Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday at the Berry Homestead.

It's Thursday at The Berry Homestead. We've continued our study on Davy Crockett. Jolie must like the way his name sounds on her tongue because she is constantly saying Davy Crockett over and over again. I think she liked that song that we listened to yesterday, you know the one, Davy, Davvvvvy, Crockett, king of the wild frontier...that's the song. She watches the videos and photos with wide eyed interest. SO maybe I should get her a coon skin cap! Can you imagine! Now that would be a photo opp.
Just imagine that hat on my sweet Jolie!

Anyway, my oldest boys,(my hubby and Zach) plus one of Zach's friends hit the road today. They went to Nashville and they stopped at one of my favorite places along the way, I know because Zach posted a photo of  it on facebook.  I think he was rubbing it in just a little.

oh well, maybe they'll take me next time. I didn't need those calories anyway...but

to compensate for not getting to go...

we went to 
Waffle House...
The kids had waffles, but me, I had a BIG ole hamburger and cheesy grits... more carbs than I should have enjoyed, but it was
SHO nUfF good!

I've been sticking to my Daily Bible Reading that I get via email...however, this week I have been wading through JOB. I do mean wading. Job is a hard one for me to read. 
I'll be honest with you, I'll be glad when I get to the other side of the book of JOB.

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