Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This week has been a busy week and we're only  at Wednesday.

We've been in VBS this week and the theme was FLY~Trust God. This was the easiest VBS I've ever volunteered for. ALL the guess work had been removed, it was streamlined down to the nitty gritty, there was NO decor competitions between classrooms. IT was smooth, fun, and stressfree...and did I mention it was only 3 days long? AND since we had to go to a pre-op for Jolie yesterday, my family only went 2 times, but it was still awesome fun.

My Karlie girl holding one of our sweet VBS kids...
VBS : "No matter who you are, or wherever you go, you can 

Since we had a flyin' week this week, and my Karl and Zach were in Nashville for college orientation, the rest of us decided to take a field trip to the barnstormers(a small airport,hanger,museum, restaurant combo) after Jolie's pre-op appointment. It made for a long day, but it was really fun.

First we left for Jolie's pre-op appointment at the children's hospital. It took a long time to find a parking place, but we were not at the usual children's hospital that we usual go to and I didn't know my way around.Jolie was still in high spirits yesterday, singing and entertaining everywhere we went. She was a hit, which is saying a LOT, because she used to scream the entire time we go to any place even remotely looking like a doctor's office. The pre-op appointment was 2 hours long...A long time to wait, but we made the most of it. We played and sang, looked at magazines and took photos of ourselves and posted them on instagram.

This was early on in our appointment...

This was us later on in the appointment when we were tired of waiting and hungry....I have an angry bird look...don't you think? But we were really just goofying off. When pre-op was finally complete, we knew we 
were more than ready for Jolie's dental work op on Monday...and also ready for some FOOD, and adventure. We grabbed the siblings and Gam outta of the waiting room and headed back to pick up Pop and away we flew...not really, I went the speed limit.

My parents found out about a little airport that has an air museum and restaurant attached. The food was great, the atmosphere was awesome, and after eating we went into the hanger and checked the museum. It was a pretty cool place, and the airplanes just went perfect with the vbs theme of the week, don't ya think?

Here's Gam with some of her gk's
Here's pop with some of his hams...I mean grandkids.
The museum had some old music favorites playing...a lot of Bing, my fav.  Jolie loves to dance, and said,
"Pop, dance with me."
 And so they did.


  1. Oh, I love the dancing pic. And did you say Bing? As in Crosby? Jordan wanted to marry him when she was about 10 years old. I don't know if she knew he was dead or not. She still loves him, though.

  2. A beautiful day!!! Trust God~ that's what we are holding to as we wait for a match! XO

    1. can't wait to hear that y'all have been matched.

  3. We have the exact same theme for our VBS next week! I wonder if our churches are using the same company. Glad to hear it went well! My kids have a lot to look forward to for next week!

    1. probably the same company...i've noticed lots of area churches using the same church has a real bi-plane in their sanctuary...

    2. oops! that last comment was really me...didnt know karlie was signed


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