Saturday, February 11, 2012

An Arctic Blast

This winter has been a mild one. In fact, on Thursday, I walked outside in my bare feet, and short sleeves. I am not a fan of cold weather. This time last year, when we were in the middle of the coldest winter on my record, I was singing Rascal Flatt's song, Summer Nights, hoping that by singing it I could rush warmer weather my way. Anyway, today, the temperatures dropped to bitter cold reminding me that yes, this is really wintertime. So guess what we did on the coldest day of our winter so far?

We went to a new place called Berry Mango's, a frozen yogurt bar. Oodles of self serve frozen yogurt, and lots of toppings to add. I just like yogurt with no toppings, cheesecake and a dollop of praline yogurt was my choice.

 Shek wants a bite...
DAD was taking lots of photos with the iphone. 

I even had a little extra scoop in honor of my new friend who lives far away, but loves ice cream!
It was a coooooold day outside, but that yummy frozen yogurt hit the spot.


  1. we have a similiar place called lemontree. Its very popular with the kids!! We like to try all the samples before we make our final s lection!!!

  2. For me?!? I feel so honored! Last summer when we were back stateside, I made it my mission to eat ice cream EVERYDAY for the entire 7 weeks. ;-)
    We also found a similar one back home called Orange Leaf. Keep enjoying the cold temps!


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