Wednesday, February 22, 2012

genetic or learned behavior?

Is stubbornness genetic or a learned behavior?  I was just wondering! If you ask my hubby or my mom they would both agree that I am a little stubborn. Then you look at our kids and each of them have from time to time shown stubborn characteristics. Jolie is stubborn too, and I wonder did she get her stubborn qualities genetically or did she get them from watching the rest of us behave! lol

Jolie loves her lipstick.

Earlier today, we went to the doctor's office for Jolie's cold. When we got home, she had to take her meds, which she did not want to do, but at least I got them in her mouth. About 15 or more mins. later she came to me wanting me to wipe her nose. I wiped her mouth too because I thought there was a little of the pink medicine left around her mouth. SO when I wiped it, she spit  out all of her medicine. She had been walking  around with 2 different medicines in her mouth. NOW, can you say stubborn? I don't think even I am that my question is this: stubborn is it genetic or learned or a little of both?


  1. I wonder the same thing.....we are a pretty stubborn family and Molly is NO different! :)

  2. Oh, I am thinking there is SO much that is learned :) Love the lipstick!!!!!

  3. It's a "Spicy Wuhan Girl" thing :0)

  4. I second Cara..Wuhan...must be in the water.

  5. I agree...must be something in the water...american and chinese water. LOL

  6. HA! Doesn't even matter...result is the same:)


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