Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thank you momma!

Yesterday Karl brought home supper from Shanes Rib Shack. I had to run out the door to a meeting for about an hour so I hugged everyone bye, as the rest of the family were about to sit down to eat. When I got home, Karl and the kids told me what happened at supper. Karl told me that he mentioned to Jolie that the day was a special day because this time last year we were in China getting you. We had been talking about the special day coming, looking at our China photos, and openly talking about our forever family day. Karl said, that Jolie looked at him and very seriously said over and over, "Tank you momma, tank you momma getting me."

Forever Family Day 2011

Signing those official papers and sealing with a thumbprints

When he told me about it, he said it was quite touching how she said it. AND she was dead serious. I got a lump in my throat just hearing about it. Karlie said she didn't mention dad!! While  the two were describing the event to me, Jolie looked at me and repeated the whole thing. "Tank you momma, tank you momma getting me."  Although she just said momma, I know she meant daddy too.
Summer 2011
Now that lump in my throat turned to tears, as I was hearing my baby girl tell us thank you for coming to get her.
Sibling love

We are truly blessed at the Berry House, and our hearts melted into puddles last night. Thank you Jolie for being our sweet baby girl! Thank You Lord for sending us on the journey!


  1. Thank you Berrys for bringing Jolie home and sharing your journey with us! She is a joy to everyone who knows her!

    Shannon and the Eagles

  2. Ahh, so sweet! Love seeing how he's blossomed so much this year! What a happy girl and family:)

  3. how would I post on no hands but ours??


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