Wednesday, August 1, 2018

This cool cat is a JUNIOR

This cool cat is a Junior this school year. High school has really been flying by. This past year, he took it upon himself that he desired to dual enroll. So he called the local university of his choice with questions about how to dual enroll, and we started the ball rolling. So in just a few weeks, the week of the wedding in fact he will attend Universtiy classes for dual credit. Because we have decided to go the dual enrollment route, his hybrid school will no longer host him as an associate student due to their new rules.  He assured us that he would rather have the dual credits than graduate with his class. We are proud of his stewardship, an drive and responsibility.

Since he will be attending classes 4 days a week, he needed a "new to him" ride. So his dad found him this cute ride...

and the good news is that even though he will be dual enrolling, he can still play tennis with NCCA, the other local hybrid school. I know this will be a fun and exciting school year for Shek.

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