Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tutu cute

Today Karlie and Shek helped Jolie pick out some clothes to wear. She started the day out in a pink dress, but later in the morning she found her tutu and had to put it on. She wore it with her Wild Olive Tees shirt "chosen". She wore it  all day, and even had to wear it to town...because I did offer to change her into a denim skirt, but she wouldn't have it. THE TUTU was the CHOICE of the day....and of course "MINE" had to go too. At one point she was quite the cute sight in her tutu, toting "mine" and drinking her bottle....

Jolie is tutu cute...

Tutu cute comin' and a'goin'

Yes, she wore it to town with "Mine" in tow!
Rockin' the tutu at guitar center!
To whoever placed the bench outside of Guitar Center, we say, "Thank ya, Thank ya very much!" insert Elvis impersonation here.
For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be His treasured possession.  Deuteronomy 14:2


    1. Adorable! One of my boys used to wear his Batman costume everywhere. I love that age!


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