Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jolie turns 4

I can't believe that  Jolie has just turned 4. It was just the other day that we met her and I had her strapped on me as a baby/toddler less than 2 years old. Her first birthday with us, she didn't totally understand the concept, but SHE HAS figured it out. Baby girl loves birthdays, especially hers.

 Jolie had a Cinderella Birthday Party again this year.
She requested a crown, and one of Gam's friends sent her the purple one. Purple is her favorite color, and Gam made her this awesome Cinderella dress card. Jolie received lots of gifts to open. We wrapped every single thing. More to open that way. She  loved her new summer clothes, princess toys, mermaid, books and money.
Happy Birthday, Baby girl.
I have more photos of the birthday, but I think I have deleted them accidently, sigh. I am hoping my hubby can retrieve them.


  1. And what a cute 4 year old she is! Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Sweet 4 Year Old Girl. You are very loved!!


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