Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sunday Snapshot~boys night out

The boys in the house went to a HAWKS game on Thursday night. Karl always gets voucher/tickets at work, but in years past he has always traded his hawks tickets with another co worker in exchange for thrashers tickets. BUT since the Thrashers have been sent to Canada, he went ahead and kept his Hawks tickets. This fact delighted Shek, who has always wanted to see the hawks play so they went. We girls opted out...we decided to have a carbs night out and enjoyed pizza.

Shek took my camera and snagged many good shots. Here's a few from their basketball evening. The guys were disappointed that the Hawks lost the game, but they had a great time anyway.

 Atlanta Hawks
 Love the mascot!
Shek in the stands. He is wearing his Hawks cap and shirt. In fact he woke up that morning and came down ready to go in his hawks attire, but first he had a day of school to do first!
He shoots....
I think the guys had a great time at their boys night out..I know we girls did at our carbs night out! 
Tune in on Monday's Post for Jolie's earrings...

Check out my friend's blog. She and her family are currently in China adopting two girls!

Ni Hao Yall

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