Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Snapshot~~A New Camera

We are going to China at the end of this month and my camera died. What a time to have no camera so, we bought a new one yesterday. We have taken a few photos with it, but not many. So glad we have a new one to replace the old one.
I always find these self-portraits of Shek on my camera when I download the photos, but when I try to take his photo, he doesn't always participate like I want him to...sometimes he hides or runs.
This is one of those photos...he was on the way out of my photo when I snapped it.
Shek took this one...he loves to take photos.


Shek also took this photo. In fact he took most of these...


When I can get the new camera away from Shek, I am going to try and learn to use it. I am glad he enjoys taking photos...maybe he will be a photographer some day.

Check out all the other Sunday Snapshots over at Ni Hao Y'all
Ni Hao Yall

1 comment:

  1. Shek does a great job! I have one of those...who only takes of himself and when I come along he does not want to play. LOL

    I home school too! and I should be getting ready for this week but NO! I am reading blogs because that's more fun!


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